Intellectual property rights
NO | Application No. | Application Date | Registration No. | Registration Date | Title |
1 | 10-2012-0041709 | 2012.04.20 | 10-1346105-0000 | 2013.12.23 | Method for Separating Solids and Oils from Waste Slurry |
2 | 10-2019-0018472 | 2019.02.18 | 10-2169875-0000 | 2020.10.20 | Recovery method of high purity silicon powder from Waste sludge and Silicon powder recovered using the same method |
3 | 10-2023-0056371 | 2023.04.28 | 10-2596829-0000 | 2023.10.27 | Method of manufacturing silicon powder using waste silicon sludge |
4 | 10-2023-0056498 | 2023.04.28 | 10-2596838-0000 | 2023.10.27 | Silicon powder manufacturing system |
International Patent States
NO | Application No. | Application Date | Title |
1 | PCT/KR2023/006515 | 2023.05.12 | Method of manufacturing silicon powder using waste silicon sludge, Silicon powder for manufacturing an anode material for secondary batteries and a system for manufacturing silicon powder |
2 | PCT/KR2023/007699 | 2023.06.05 | A method and apparatus for manufacturing silicon powder using waste silicon sludge |
3 | PCT/KR2023/009090 | 2023.06.29 | Graphene synthesis device and synthesis method of graphene |
ISO States
NO | Certification | Certification Standard | Certification No. | Certification Expiration Date | Date of Certification |
1 | Certificate of Quality Management System | ISO 9001 : 2015 | Aic-Q19-020 | 2021.09.20 ~ 2024.09.19 | 2018.09.21 |
2 | Certificate of Environmental Management Systems | ISO 14001 : 2015 | Aic-E21-020 | 2022.12.11 ~ 2025.12.10 | 2019.12.11 |
3 | Certificate of Management System | ISO 45001 : 2018 | SMI-24320 | 2023.12.22 ~ 2026.12.21 | 2023.12.22 |
Certificate of Venture Business
NO | Certification | Certification Expiration Date |
1 | Certificate of Company-affiliated research institute | 2019.09.23 ~ |
2 | Certificate of Venture Business | 2022.01.26~2025.01.25 |
3 | Certificate of SME | 2023.04.01~2024.03.31 |
4 | Certificate of MAIN-BIZ | 2023.11.24~2026.11.23 |